Dr. Mandel's presentation at Columbia University

Photo: Dr. Mandel’s presentation at Columbia University in November 2022.

Message from Dr. Mandel:

I was privileged to be invited to Columbia University and Yale in New Haven, to speak about Israel’s Challenges in 2023: Iran, the new Israeli government, the US-Israel relationship, the threat of Hezbollah, and anti-Semitism. In addition, I also spoke at length about the Iranian protests and the need for non-kinetic regime change, the threat to the Syrian Kurds from Turkey, and my meetings this fall in Saudi Arabia.

For all we hear about the American college campus’s challenges concerning free speech and anti-Semitism, my encounter with nearly 100 students left me optimistic. Granted, they are a select group of people interested in US foreign policy and the Middle East, but their intellect and curiosity gave me hope for the future. I received some challenging questions, especially from a young man from South Korea, but unlike some other experiences, mutual respect was a genuine cause for optimism.

If anyone would like more specifics, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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