Dear MEPIN Readers,
There are two American narratives of the Middle East concerning Israel. President Biden and much of the Democratic party prioritize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the Gordian knot to untie, while most Republicans see the two-state solution as a secondary problem and focus on the Islamic Republic of Iran as the primary culprit of regional instability. These are not mutually exclusive, but the emphasis on where to direct one’s political energies puts them in conflict in a divided America. I will continue to write and analyze all aspects of the Middle East.
Please join my webinar on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict sponsored by the Democratic committees in Westchester, New York, with Samer Sinijlawi, a political activist and a Palestinian political commentator from East Jerusalem. He is the chairman of the Jerusalem Development Fund and head of International, Israeli, and Diplomatic Relations of the Fatah Shadow Leadership.
Use the QR code here:

Or click HERE to join on Sunday, November 24 at 4 PM.