US-Iran Nuclear Negotiations
(Published previously on The Jerusalem Post) Ayatollah Khamenei believes that Iran has improved its negotiating position relative to the US because of their shared interest in defeating Islamic State (IS).…
Qatar and Turkey as Supporters of Terrorism
(Published previously on The Jerusalem Post) An interview with Jonathan Schanzer, vice-president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert on terrorist financing. Turkey is the…
The Viability of a Two-State Solution after Operation Protective Edge
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) It is not up to American Jewry or the American government to force this decision upon a sovereign democratic nation amid the growing scourge…
Who Won Operation Protective Edge? Iran
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) This is to Israel’s great detriment, as Iran is Israel’s number one existential threat. “Iran would like to build nuclear weapons. The only people…
Israel, US, and the World Community Face Upcoming Diplomatic Clash
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) Next, America will pressure Israel to open trade and sea routes in the name of humanitarianism and insist the PA be present at the…
Lessons to Learn Before the Next War
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) Israel’s survival and military dominance in the region is not inevitable. We, as a people, must grasp that humbling and harsh fact if Israel…
Progressives and Moral Equivalence during Operation Protective Edge?
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) Operation Protective Edge is a fight between good and evil. There is no moral equivalence here. From the Hamas Charter: • “Israel will exist…until…
Is the United Nations anti-Semitic?
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) States that support terror overwhelmingly control the UN. They mouth the words of moderation, but defend nations that give sanctuary to terrorists. “When people…
A Road Map for American Diplomacy in the Middle East
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) The Obama administration’s attempt to resolve the Israeli- Palestinian conflict once again has failed. This should have surprised no one. The administration should take…
How False Choices Define and Weaken U.S. Middle East Policy
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) The US administration’s strategy of creating simplistic false choices for the complex problems of the Middle East has strained the US-Israeli relationship, and undermined…