Is there Anything the Iranians Could Do that Would Upset President Obama?
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) The administration’s fear of provoking actions while the nuclear negotiations are ongoing is interpreted by Iran not as pragmatism, but as an invitation to…
It’s Time for the Sunni World to Come to Terms with Israel
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) If the Arab world could come to terms with the existence of a Jewish state with a Muslim minority in its midst, then it…
American Pluralism is an Israeli National Security Issue
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a new 61-seat coalition government. Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a new 61-seat coalition government.…
Why America Needs Israel
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) While Israel stays the course, the Obama administration has turned American foreign policy on its head. “The US-Israeli alliance now contributes more than ever…
The President’s Best Approach with Congress
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) Congress and the American people want reassurance that our negotiators aren’t giving away the store just to get an agreement. Negotiations that began 12…
Anti-Semitism on US College Campuses, Educating Pro-Israel Americans and Marking the Shoah
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) Last week I was privileged to speak to two very different audiences about the Middle East and Israel. Last week I was privileged to…
Is There Anyone Who is Not in Favor of a Peaceful Resolution with Iran?
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) Israel’s policy is still ‘two states for two peoples.’ According to a recent poll, 68 percent of Americans are in favor of using a…
The Aftermath of the Speech
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) Obama’s negotiators and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are either ignorant of this or choose to ignore it, so as not to interfere with…
The Constitutional Obligation of Congress to Shape American Foreign Policy
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post.) A deal with Iran will trigger nuclear proliferation in the Sunni world, exponentially increasing the possibility of nuclear material ending up in the hands…
Does Mahmoud Abbas Want His Legacy to be the Third Intifada?
(Previously published in The Jerusalem Post) He decided years ago that he cannot, or will not, accept any realistic two-state parameters that could offer Israel reasonable security. ‘America is the…